I gave up thinking about hazards about 20 years ago and moved moved to a consequence focus. Start with the system definition, and then think about the things that might cause the system to bend, buckle or fall over. Its like Cheryl said to Walter, in the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, "my crime writing teacher says, start with the end you want and work backwards" That's what I think we need to do. What's the desired outcome? no deaths? people continuing to lead their lives? We aren't good at describing what want to protect

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Thanks John. Working backwards is a great idea, but difficult. Can we paint a picture of some desirable futures with contain both fire and us? Such an exercise inevitably goes way beyond fire or any other hazard. Can we look after each other? Can we pay attention to things that matter? As an old boss of mine used to say about climate change, adapting to the present would be a good start!

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Hi Hamish...yes it's mostly not fire. The UNDRR hazard profiles list some 8 domains and 300 plus hazards...https://www.undrr.org/publication/hazard-information-profiles-hips...I,my glad your starting to explore the broader context and its potential threats and risks associated through damage or disruption...

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Thanks Darren. Once you start counting risks it's hard to stop! I've also got my eye on the boiling of all Earth's oceans due to increased solar output in about 800 million years.

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