Jul 17, 2023Liked by Hamish Clarke

Great post Hamish,

The Kiln needs to have an extension role/arm so that fire 'users' can be the benficiaries of the Kiln work - farmers, land owners, community groups.

And yes, history, story telling (writers, artists) do have a role.

When do we start ?

Mike W.

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Excellent point Mike, consider it done.

I've already appointed you Fire Czar!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Hamish Clarke

Love it!! Love the name - productive, creative, but with the cautionary 'don't get overcooked'. As multi-disciplinary as possible. I love being 'agnostic about growth'!! Every best wish making as much of this a reality as is possible

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thanks Patrick. A man can dream, right?

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